Langkah-langkah hack Ninja Saga Gold Coins.
Tools: Charles Web Proxy Debugger
Langkah-langkah sbb:
1. Open your Ninja Saga app and Charles
2. Go to the shop and sell any item.
3. Go to Charles and find and open up http://app.ninjasaga.com
4. Search for (CharacterDAO.sellitem)
5. Right click and click repeat advanced.
6. Iteration = 300, Currency = 5 and untick the box. Then click ok
7. Wait until it finish.
8. Then find the last CharacterDAO.Savecharacter and click repeat.
9. Refresh then you will find the gold is updated.
Teg:Cheat Ninja saga Gold Coins, Ninja saga Cheat engine 5.6, Ninja saga 1 hit Kill EXP Update Juli, Agustus, september, oktober, November 2010-2011