Spectacular meteor shower and the Match Rare Planet Alignment

Hari Senin 17 Maret 2025
The annual Perseid meteor rainfall had been taking a great show, and the peak yet celestial fireworks. The main event tonight. Meanwhile, favors tighter configuration of the planets in the night sky. Rarely has there been a better time to go, find and enjoy the easy to view shows cosmic. In the northern hemisphere, the best time to observe the Perseid meteor shower will be held tonight through Friday morning local time, wherever you live. Weather permitting, the patient observer may see a meteor every minute or less. Perseids always reliable and often spectacular places. Only bad weather or bright moon can put the damper on the event, and this year the moon - a thin crescent will be established soon after the sun is not a factor.

Astronomers expect the best, and sky watchers around the world saw encouraging, sometimes the signs of an explosion. Some features Perseid meteor fireball and explosion called a fireball was visible. On Saturday night, the fireball lit up the field, "said Steve Lieber Astronomical Society of Long Island." It looks like the flash off. He saw traces of moisture from 15 to 20 seconds after that. Vapor Trails is surprising and sometimes colorful abyss, looked like smoke, which can survive after a meteor particularly bright. Most last only a few seconds. What has struck me so far about this year is not so much the number of people who have seen a meteor, but the number of meteor fireballs ", added the observation sky s columnist Joe Rao SPACE.com.

Apparently, there were more sightings than usual this year. Hopefully, he remains right through the top of the bathroom. Meanwhile, Venus, Mars and Saturn were together in the night sky and will be joined tonight and on Friday the graceful crescent. Anyone with a clear sky can be easily detected by the quartet on the western horizon as soon as darkness fell. This is a great opportunity by using Earth maps SPACE.com 'alignment, to search for and identify the planet that would otherwise be confused with stars. But wait, there's more. In the morning all week, Jupiter is a jewel shining in the southern sky and it is impossible to ignore - is nowhere close to even close to being as light.
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